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Richmond Law Review Symposium Fall 2024: Economies of Extraction
Friday, October 25, 2024
5.0 Virginia CLE credits, including 1.0 ethics credit.
The University of Richmond Law Review’s fall symposium, “Economies of Extraction: Labor,
Care, and the Carceral State,” will use a law-and-political-economy framework to discuss the
persistent inequalities that define contemporary politics. The program will consist of several
presentations, including an overview of current trends in worker surveillance, home-based care
work, and improving conditions for people who are incarcerated. The symposium will also
encourage the direct advocacy efforts that are possible to create a better future.
This Symposium will be held in-person. A virtual option will not be available.
Event is free, but registration is required.
8:00 AM
9:00 AM
Welcome and Opening Remarks.
9:15 AM
How Extraction Relates to Current Trends in Legal Practice and Scholarship | Erin Collins,
Marissa Jackson Sow, Luke Norris, and Allison Tait, University of Richmond School of Law.
10:15 AM
The Intersection of Work Law and Home-Based Care Work | Yiran Zhang, Industrial and Labor
Relations (ILR) School, Cornell University and Cornell Law School.
11:15 AM
Legal Foundations of Worker Power | Gali Racabi, Industrial and Labor Relations (ILR) School,
Cornell University and Cornell Law School.
12:15 PM
Lunch Break.
12:45 PM
Procedural Hurdles in Litigation on Behalf of Incarcerated People | Danny Zemel, The Krudys
Law Firm.
2:00 PM
Ethical Considerations of Movement Lawyering Panel | Cassie Powell, University of Richmond
School of Law; Anna Kurien, Legal Aid Justice Center; David Walrod, Fairfax County
Federation of Teachers.
3:00 PM
Concluding remarks from Law Review’s Symposium Editor.