Shared Histories: The Feminist and Gay Liberation Movements for Freedom in Public

Shared Histories: The Feminist and Gay Liberation Movements for Freedom in Public

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This Symposium on the fiftieth anniversary of the Stonewall Rebellion presents the opportunity to evaluate the regulation and deregulation of gender and sexuality in public space. In 1969, LGBTQ people erupted against policing, harassment, and exclusion in public spaces. While they had engaged in earlier, smaller protests and reforms, Stonewall ignited a mass gay liberation movement and sparked popular awareness of LGBTQ people’s civil rights struggles. LGBTQ activists demanded their rights to express identity, associate with one another, and engage in queer behavior. That same year, the newly burgeoning feminist movement also launched protests and called for women’s equality in public accommodations—the legal term of art for places open to the public. These groups shared a history of regulation. Customary business practices, the discriminatory administration of liquor licensing laws, and limited protections against discrimination all denied LGBTQ people and heterosexual women alike the freedoms that heterosexual men enjoyed in public space. As they resisted this regulation, LGBTQ people and cisgender women won mutually reinforcing legal reforms.

 To understand the dramatic change in social custom and law regulating gender and sexuality over the last half century requires examining the historical regulation and deregulation of cisgender women and of LGBTQ people together. Risa Goluboff has led the charge against siloed accounts of social movements and socio-legal change, arguing against historical narratives that treat subordinated groups as distinct and in pursuit of discrete goals. By instead synthesizing the histories of social movements, Goluboff shows that we gain better understanding of how social and legal structures of hierarchy and oppression “worked [and] how they then fell apart.” Heeding this call, this Article offers a close examination of dual case studies of feminist and gay and lesbian activism, in the period from the late 1960s through the mid-1980s. 

Elizabeth Sepper * Deborah Dinner **

* Professor of Law, University of Texas at Austin School of Law.

** Associate Professor of Law, Emory University School of Law. Thank you to participants in the University of Richmond Law Review Symposium on the 50th Anniversary of the Stonewall Riots. We thank Athena Dufour, Chris Marple, and the staff of the University of Richmond Law Review for their superb organization and editing



Riding the Storm Out After the Stonewall Riots: Subsequent Waves of LGBT Rights in Family Formation and Reproduction

Riding the Storm Out After the Stonewall Riots: Subsequent Waves of LGBT Rights in Family Formation and Reproduction

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In 1969, the Stonewall Riots took place at the Stonewall Inn in Greenwich Village, New York City. Many consider this the most important event leading to the gay rights and modern LGBT movement in the United States. Prior to the Stonewall Riots, LGBT people primarily had children within heterosexual relationships. LGBT individuals always formed families whereby children were parented with gay parents, but how common it was and what the families looked like prior to the Stonewall Riots was difficult to determine because of how secretive and hidden they had to be about it. Accounts of lesbian women reveal that they usually had children as the result of heterosexual marriages, sex work, or relationships with women who had children from these same means. Unfortunately, prior to 1970, LGBT people who had children in heterosexual marriages often would lose custody when they left those marriages for a gay relationship. 

After the Stonewall Riots, LGBT families started to ride out the storm, the result being that LGBT rights in family formation and reproduction roughly can be divided into four waves consisting of: (1) the initial subtle wave of the 1970s to 1980s, (2) a growing wave in the 1990s, (3) a massive wave of growth and change from 2000 through 2019, and (4) the yet to come 2020 wave and beyond.

This Article will explore how LGBT family formation has evolved since the Stonewall Riots. The primary means for LGBT families to build their families, other than traditional intercourse between a man and a woman, were and continue to be through adoption and Assisted Reproductive Technologies (“ART”). In the world of assisted reproduction, typically a lesbian couple or a single woman use donor sperm, either known or unknown, coupled with artificial insemination. Gay men traditionally utilize a traditional or true surrogate (who is genetically related to the child) along with artificial insemination using the sperm of an intended father. As medical technologies in the field of reproduction developed, especially the development of in vitro fertilization (“IVF”) and embryo transfers, more men turned towards assisted reproduction via the use of a gestational carrier along with donor egg, either known or unknown, combined with the sperm of one intended father. This gestational carrier process is less risky than using a true surrogate who is the genetic mother. Additionally, more lesbian couples started to utilize reciprocal IVF whereby one mom contributes her egg, becoming the genetic mom, while the other gestates the embryo formed from that egg along with donor sperm. Overtime, medical advances have opened wider doors for LGBT family formation options.

Colleen Marea Quinn*

* Director and Owner of the Adoption & Surrogacy Law Center at Locke & Quinn, Richmond, Virginia. Fellow and Past-President of the Academy of Adoption & Assisted Reproduction Attorneys, Member of the LGBT Bar Family Law Institute, Virginia Equality Bar Association, and Virginia Family Law Coalition and Equality Virginia. Ms. Quinn acknowledges and appreciates her intern, University of Richmond Law student, Victoria Pivirotto in providing research and drafting assistance with this Article. 


Dead Hand Vogue

Dead Hand Vogue

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For decades, courts read employment antidiscrimination laws’ prohibition of sex discrimination to exclude gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender workers’ sexual orientation and gender identity discrimination claims—purportedly because the claims were not linked to employees’ status as a man or a woman. And while significant doctrinal developments have afforded some gender-nonconforming persons critical workplace safeguards under sex antidiscrimination laws, many older decisions that deemed sexual orientation and transgender discrimination claims to be outside the ambit of sex discrimination still control. These decades-old precedents all suffer from the same analytical error: a failure to adhere to the principle that antidiscrimination law does not protect groups; it protects individuals. Because courts in the 1970s and 1980s focused on groups rather than individuals, judges were able to rely on legislative dead hand as performative analysis to keep LGBTQ people out of the law’s workplace protections and reinforce gender variants’ second-class status. This Article traces the antiindividualist origins of sex discrimination doctrine that has improperly kept LGBTQ workers outside of antidiscrimination protections and argues that the protective promise of antidiscrimination law is realized most fully when courts take individuals seriously. 


Anthony Michael Kreis *

*Visiting Assistant Professor of Law, Chicago-Kent College of Law. Ph.D., University of Georgia; J.D., Washington and Lee University; B.A., University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. I appreciate thoughtful exchanges with Sam Bagenstos, Jessica Clarke, Zachary Kramer, Art Leonard, Marcia McCormick, Sachin Pandya, and Brian Soucek, which have improved this Article. 

Queering Reproductive Justice

Queering Reproductive Justice

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Debates over reproductive rights tend to center on abortion, with the line dividing pro-choice and pro-life creating what often seems to be an impenetrable political barrier between blue and red. In the past several years, high profile abortion bans have further entrenched this popular conception of reproductive rights as a matter of abortion access. However, this conversation’s narrow scope ignores the diverse set of issues and rights that fall within the scope of reproductive decision-making. It additionally overlooks the reproductive issues specific to queer individuals, meaning sexual and gender minorities. These two omissions obscure a potentially transformative path for securing reproductive rights for everyone: queer reproductive justice.

This Article proceeds in three Parts, with each Part taking up a different set of queer reproductive issues to illustrate how LGBTQ rights advocacy may promote reproductive justice writ large. The first examines family formation debates around LGBTQ assisted reproductive technologies and custody of children. These victories provided the factual and legal support for the Supreme Court’s marriage equality decisions, which emphasized equality, dignity, and autonomy principles—that reproductive justice advocates may be able to apply more broadly.

Marie-Amélie George*

*Assistant Professor, Wake Forest University School of Law. Many thanks to Meghan Boone, Allison Tait, Andrew Verstein, and Ron Wright for their helpful feedback on drafts. Hailey Cleek and Olivia Doss provided invaluable research assistance. Thanks also to the staff of the University of Richmond Law Review for their careful editing.


Symposium Book 2020: 50th Anniversary of the Stonewall Riots

Symposium Book 2020: 50th Anniversary of the Stonewall Riots

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The University of Richmond Law Review proudly presents its 2020 Symposium Issue—Commemorating the 50th Anniversary of the Stonewall Riots: Reflecting on the Rise and Evolution of LGBTQ Activism and Rights in the Law. Annually, the Law Re- view hosts a Symposium that engages scholars and practitioners from the Richmond community and beyond in a robust discussion about current issues in the law. This year’s Symposium examined the rise and growth of LGBTQ rights from the momentous Stone- wall Riots to present day.

On October 11, 2019, the Law Review hosted a group of incredibly intelligent and passionate scholars and practitioners to discuss the evolution of LGBTQ rights in four general areas of the law– education and employment law, public accommodations law, criminal law, and family law and reproductive rights. Bradley Sears, Executive Director of the Williams Institute provided the keynote speech. The day proceeded with four panels; a lunchtime address, delivered by Claire Gastañaga of the Virginia ACLU; and closing remarks, given by Shannon Minter, Legal Director of the National Center for Lesbian Rights. The Law Review is honored to have brought together such a broad array of prominent legal scholars and practitioners to speak on these important and timely topics. Each speaker highlighted just how far LGBTQ rights have come since the Stonewall Riots, while cautioning that there is still work to be done to obtain equality in the law. Thank you for spending your valuable time with us.

Many of the speakers converted their Symposium presentations into written word for publication in the Symposium edition of the Law Review. We thank Professor Marie-Amélie George of Wake Forest University Law School, Professor Anthony Michael Kreis of Chicago-Kent College of Law, Ms. Collen M. Quinn of Quinn Law Centers, Professor Elizabeth Sepper of the University of Texas at Austin School of Law, Professor Deborah Dinner of Emory University School of Law, Professor Kyle C. Velte of the University of Kansas School of Law, Professor Jordan Blair Woods of the University of Arkansas School of Law, Doctor Carrie L. Buist of Grand Valley State University School of Criminal Justice, Co-Dean and Professor Kimberly Mutcherson of Rutgers Law School, and Professor Dara E. Purvis of Penn State Law. Each piece is an invaluable contribution to the study of LGBTQ rights and brings to light critical issues that deserve the attention of the legal community.


The Law Review would like to express its gratitude to the professors at the University of Richmond Law School who helped get the Symposium on its feet and shape the contours of the legal discussions. To Professors Allison Tait and Meredith Harbach, thank you for helping us develop this important topic into a thoughtful scholarly event. To Professors Erin Collins, Jud Campbell, Allison Tait, and Luke Norris, thank you for contributing your time as moderators and providing thought-provoking questions and commentary during the panels.

Organizing and hosting the Symposium required substantial assistance from the administration, faculty, and Law Review members. We thank Mary Ruth Walters for her superb media skills and for handling many of the logistical details of the event. We also thank Leigh Deignan for managing our budgetary needs. A big thank you to Carl Hamm for contributing your expert multimedia skills to the Symposium, too. Without each of your essential contributions, the Symposium would not have been nearly as smooth and successful.

The Law Review is grateful to Dean Wendy Perdue for her continuous support of our scholarly pursuits. And, we wish to thank our faculty advisors, Professors Jessica Erickson and Carl Tobias, for their advice and guidance during the months leading up to the Symposium and throughout the publication process.

I extend my most gracious thank you to Glenice Coombs, the Law Review’s Legal Publication Coordinator. Glenice, thank you for sharing your wealth of knowledge about organizing the Symposium with me. Your constant presence in the Law Review office is comforting and inspiring, and your expertise on the editing and publication process is unmatched. You add incredible value to our organization, and our books would be subpar without you.


Athena Defour
Vol. 54 Symposium Editor 



The Political Process of Preemption

The Political Process of Preemption

Paul A. Diller*, The Political Process of Preemption, 54 U. Rich. L. Rev. 343 (2020).

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Preemption, particularly of the state-city variety, has become a hot topic. State legislatures in many states over the last decade have preempted a wide swath of areas in which cities and counties were previously free to govern. In addition to the sweeping nature and frequency of preemption, the increasingly aggressive methods of enforcing preemption have drawn notice. The threat of fiscal penalties, removal of local officials from office, and even criminal sanctions constitute what one scholar has dubbed the phenomenon of “hyper preemption.”

There are several reasons why this new landscape of preemption is of concern. Advocates of local control lament the loss of cities’ ability to use their local expertise to solve local problems. Relatedly, fans of local innovation fear that aggressive preemption limits the ability of cities to try out new policy proposals that might work their way up the state or federal ladder. The specter of personal penalties for city councilors who support preempted ordinances may dissuade citizens from running for local elected office, a crucial training ground for state and federal positions and an intrinsically important component of our democratic system. Even if not punitive, sweeping substantive preemption may weaken cities so much that voters and potential elected officials have less interest in participating in city governance. Finally, due to the political valence of much of the recent preemption—by more conservative state legislatures preempting the policy priorities of populous, politically liberal cities—political progressives see preemption as an attack on their values and priorities.

Because of the issue-based nature of preemption, it is tempting to approach the subject in a results-based manner. Political progressives, for instance, may oppose preemption of local firearm regulation, but cheer preemption of local ordinances that crack down on illegal immigration. Conversely, political conservatives bemoan preemption of local “right-to-work” ordinances, but support preemption of the minimum wage. Courts and legal scholars have struggled for years to offer a neutral way out of this morass.

For decades some scholars and courts have argued that a neutral way of determining the legitimacy of statewide preemption is by focusing on whether the particular issue in play is “local” or not. Many scholars and judges, however, have rightly criticized this approach as intellectually unsatisfying. Another view, recently offered in a brilliant essay by Nestor Davidson, is that courts might find their way out of the results-based morass by homing in on whether the preemptive legislation furthers the “general welfare” of the state. This approach is attractive, particularly with respect to deregulatory preemption. Employing it may still, however, require courts to make policy-based determinations regarding whether a state or local choice furthers the general welfare.

This Article suggests a different path out of the morass by inviting scrutiny of the political process of preemption. Focusing on state rather than federal preemption, this Article assumes—without endorsing—the primacy of the state over its political subdivisions, a view embraced by the Supreme Court in the seminal 1907 case of Hunter v. City of Pittsburgh and beyond. While making this assumption, this Article nonetheless critically examines it by digging deeper into the roots of state sovereignty and the state’s claim to dominion over its subentities.

At the time of the Founding, states were seen as sovereign due to their representation of “the people.” Building off of this conception of state sovereignty, the Court in Hunter recognized plenary state power over cities—or local “agencies”—as the Court referred to them. Fifty-seven years later, in Reynolds v. Sims, the Court recognized one-person, one-vote as a key component of representation, embracing the idea that the state legislature ought to be responsive to the policy preferences of a majority of the state’s voters. After Reynolds, the Court continued to reaffirm Hunter’s notion of state primacy without explicitly re-examining the premises of this assumption. After Reynolds, however, state primacy and the majoritarianism of state government had become fused, and rightly so. Only a democratically legitimate state government—that is, one which purported to represent credibly a majority of the state’s population—could justifiably exercise its plenary powers over the democratic subunits within it.

Working from these premises, this Article argues that when state preemption is the product of a credibly majoritarian lawmaking process, it might be considered less objectionable, regardless of its political valence. A key component of democratic illegitimacy, this Article will argue, is intentional political gerrymandering. Such gerrymandering distorts the legislature’s composition and leads to legislative products that do not accurately reflect the views of the median voter statewide. When produced by other processes, such as direct democracy, preemption may reflect the majority’s will in some crude sense, but may raise other normative concerns.

Before proceeding, it is useful to clarify what this Article means by preemption. This Article uses the word broadly to include any override of pre-existing local power or prerogative by statute or constitutional amendment. Such preemption may impose a new regulatory regime from above, displacing the locality’s previously governing regime, or it may impose a regulatory regime when none such existed previously at the local level. As used here, preemption may also simply deprive the locality of the authority to implement a regulatory regime or fiscal choice, such as its preferred level of taxation, without providing any new regime or supplementary revenue in its place. Almost all of the preemption discussed here is of the general type—i.e., not special legislation that formally applies only to one city or a handful of cities—but the framework of the analysis should apply similarly to special preemption.

Part I of this Article examines the roots of the state’s role as sovereign, and how the democratic legitimacy of the state legislature eventually became linked to a notion of majoritarianism, as epitomized by Reynolds. Part II discusses how and why gerrymandering and political geography may cause a legislature to stray from majoritarianism. Part II examines this phenomenon in the context of state-local relations, in particular. Part II includes vignettes of some key states where gerrymandering has arguably led to unrepresentative preemption in approximately the last decade. Part III looks at how the initiative process differs from the legislative process in the context of preemption. Nothing is more seemingly majoritarian than the voters enacting a policy preference by a majority vote. Nonetheless, direct democracy raises distinct problems of democratic legitimacy, which Part III assesses in the context of state-local relations. Finally, Part IV looks at some other factors in prominent preemption instances of late, including legislative “horse trading” and punitive enforcement mechanisms, and asks what these dynamics reveal about the legitimacy of state overrides.


* Professor of Law, Willamette University College of Law, Salem, Oregon. J.D., University of Michigan. B.S., B.A.S., University of Pennsylvania. The author thanks Jessica Bulman-Pozen, Nestor Davidson, Christopher Elmendorf, Richard Schragger, Ken Stahl, and many others for insightful comments on earlier drafts. The author also thanks Mary Rumsey, Research Librarian at Willamette, and Mick Harris, law student, for outstanding research assistance.