The University of Richmond Law Review celebrates the life of Former Chief Justice Harry L. Carrico. Serving on the Supreme Court of Virginia for over four decades, Justice Carrico dedicated his life to the law and legal profession in the Commonwealth. At the University of Richmond, we were fortunate to enjoy the constant presence of Justice Carrico after he took senior status on the court, and his passing reminds us of how we are better for having known him. It is for that reason that, with immense gratitude, we commemorate his life and service at the front of this issue.
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The 2012 election cycle and our location in the heart of a bat-tleground swing state provided the original impetus for this year’s Allen Chair topic. We decided to delve into the field of election law and examine the pressing issues of the field. Attorneys, experts, professors, and students gathered on October 5, 2012 at the University of Richmond to consider various election law topics. Lead by a collection of esteemed panelists, discussions focused on voter ID, military and absentee ballots, post-election disputes, campaign finance, ballot access, voter suppression, redistricting, and the Voting Rights Act.
The articles and essays contained in this issue are the culmination of a year of work in the election law field, and reflect the issues contemplated at the symposium. Special thanks to each of the authors: it was an honor working with each of you, and we appreciate you sharing your scholarship with us. I particularly want to thank Professor Joshua Douglas, Mr. Dale Ho, Professor Steven Huefner, Dr. Michael McDonald, Professor Michael Pitts, and Mr. Rob Richie for not only contributing to this issue, but also for joining our symposium and serving on panels. Thanks also to Dean Jocelyn Benson, Ms. Keesha Gaskins, Professor Rebecca Green, Mr. Joshua Lief, and Mr. Donald Palmer who also graciously traveled to share their ideas and expertise at our symposium.
To Dean Wendy Perdue: thank you for your continued support, enthusiasm, and generosity toward the Law Review. A deserved thank you goes to each member of the Law Review for the work on our symposium and this issue. While getting acquainted with the intricacies of election law, you steadfastly worked to meet our pressing deadlines. Your assistance and patience in bringing both the symposium and this issue to fruition does not go unnoticed.
I am exceedingly grateful to Professor Carl Tobias who served as a sounding board and source of guidance during this year of the Allen Chair. Your constant wisdom and counsel are immensely appreciated. Your commitment to the Law Review makes it all possible, and for that, we are all thankful.
The dedicated service of Glenice Coombs has long been he-ralded in previous volumes, but her deep commitment has never been more apparent than this year. Glenice, you are a friend, counselor, supporter, and teacher. Your kindness and sense of humor allay the pressure that is known to build at times in the office, while your devoted work ethic makes it possible for us to succeed. Your resolve has supported the Law Review for over thirty years, and we could not be more profoundly appreciative. Cheers to you!
My fellow members of the Executive Board deserve the most sincere thanks. To Andrew Tarne, Maggie Bowman, Tracey Theret, and Simone Raess: you each have excelled in your posi-tions contributing your heart and soul to this journal, and your support, humor, and camaraderie have made for an outstanding year. To Robert S. Claiborne, Jr.: your tireless work ethic kept us moving and equipped us with the tools for success. To Frank Talbott: your assurance and leadership have made this year memorable and enjoyable, and I greatly appreciate your dedication. It has been a great year with you all.
Of course, none of this would be possible without the boundless support of my family, and for that reason, I dedicate this book to them. My first tastes of politics and policy came from a civically engaged family, and my continuing interest is rooted in that foundation. To my grandparents, Keller and Betty Nichols: your love and generosity are the backbone of our family, and I am forever appreciative of your unwavering affection. To Jeremy, Cassey, Lucy, and Avery: you provide an inspiration of all that is good in life, and I am grateful for your loving example. And most importantly, to Mom and Dad: your unceasing confidence and reassurance sustains me, while your guidance and love have allowed me to do it all. Thank you!
Concluding this year of the Allen Chair, the Law Review is proud to present Election Law Issues: Beyond the Red, Purple, and Blue.
Clint A. Nichols
Allen Chair Editor